The Implementation of Jamming Devices in Public Settings

The Implementation of Jamming Devices in Public Settings

Many people consider installing mobile jammers in schools, and the fact that many students use their phones during class has become a major problem in schools (especially high schools).
Many educators struggle to understand how to deal with electronic devices in the classroom. Some educate students about their negative effects and encourage them to regulate their use. Others highlight the possible applications of mobile devices in the classroom. However, many simply try to ban everything. One principal in British Columbia took the school ban to the next level by installing a cell phone signal jammer. There was just one problem. The device was illegal in Canada. The principal ordered the Chinese device online, but some angry students soon found out and told him that he was breaking the law. So much for the idea. Now, he is still unseemly, but for some students, the use of mobile phones in school seems to be some kind of civil rights issue.
Steve Gray, principal of Hardy Secondary School on Vancouver Island, bought the cell phone jammer from an online dealer in China. He said that since the school banned cell phones and the kids were still using them, he had to try several methods.
He also pointed out that it is very important to control students' use of mobile phones. Because their behaviors range from cyberbullying to providing answers for certain online violations. Using bluetooth jammer can effectively prevent students from being exposed to these behaviors.
This seems not to be for banning the use of mobile phones, but to maintain the authority of the school. In this regard... it is completely counterproductive. Many schools have effective mobile phone bans without resorting to technological blockades (I attended such a high school).
Therefore, the use of mobile jammers is not only disadvantageous, but also conducive to use in special places.
In addition to basketball, the only thing better than sports is to go to the cinema to watch movies. This is a rare hour and a half for me to break away from the real world and immerse myself in the fantasy of others. Using a mobile phone in a theater is distracting. Just like a drunk fan at a sports game, it is distracting. Look closely, the sudden ringing of the phone next to you interrupts your thoughts, which is terrible.
If you are in an emergency meeting and don’t want to participate in unnecessary calls or messages during an important meeting, you can take advantage of mobile signal jamming technology. The use of 3G/4G mobile phone jammers, which allows people to avoid calls and text messages without turning off their phones. Enabling this technology will directly block the signals from the base stations and prevent you from communicating with others through your phone.


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4g 5W 5g Acquired Aerial Alarms Antenna Aviation Be Beware Block Blocker Blockers Blocking Blocks Bluetooth Bombings Bombs Booster Bowl CTA Call Camera Cameras Cars Cctv Cell CellPhone Cellphone Cheating Chinese Communications Controversial Conversation Counter Countermeasure Criminal Customers Cut Demand Desktop Device Devices Disrupt Door Drone Drone-Jamming Drones Effective FCC Father Fcc Firm Found GPS GSM Government Gps Gsm Gta5 Havoc High-tech His Home Homemade Increasing Information Installieren Installing Interceptor Interference Jammer Jammers Jamming Jong-Un Kids Kim Line Market Mobile Mouse Multi-frequency Not Pager Phone Phones Poor Portable Pouch Prevent Problem RF Radar Radio Range Receive Red Ring Russian Safely Schools Scrambler Security Signal Signal-Blocking Signal-Jamming Signaldetektor Signals Signalstörsender Signalstorsender Spoofing Spying Steal Stop Super Systems Takes Technology Than Threats Tracking UEFAEURO Used Video Wave Wi-Fi Wifi Wireless Work Wreak a adjustable alleged amended auto avoid backyard block blocker blocks burglary bus buy calls camera cameras cant car cell cell-jamming cellphone cellphones chatter churches close college combatting communications cybercrime department designs does drivers drone drones emergency enough events explosion fine fly for gangs getting glendale gps gun help herovigilante his home illegal in installing interceptor interference jammer jammers jamming laptop laser legislation legit location lock loud machine majesty match-fixing military mobile more music my on or phone phones police powerful prison prisoner privacy programs promotion prompt protect protection public questions radar safety school scrambler security shot signal signals speed störsender stereotype stop support systems tampered tech technology tellcell theft to tracking trail transportation uav uber use various vehicle voice website websites what wi-fi wifi wifi-jamming wifijammer wifijammers wireless with you your 8 911 1934 2024